Summer Seafood
Wow!!! Can’t beat this deal. Jumbo and lump crab cakes. Only 1 week away. Call today to place your order and time. Lots of people buy the frozen crab cakes so that they can have them for later. The fish is also an extremely hot item. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS!!!!
Easter Sunday 2023
Family Easter Celebration
Date: Sunday, April 9th, 2023
Time: 9:30 am
Place: Graceland’s Fellowship Hall
We will celebrate Christ’s resurrection with Symbols of Easter, Music, and Special Treats!
The celebration will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.
Don’t miss the celebration!
Traditional Easter Service at 11:15 am
Fall Festival
Sunday, October 30, 2022 after church we are having a Fall Harvest Festival. We will participate in activities related to fall and the harvest, and of course, there will be food to eat! There is a special pumpkin wreath for adults and older youth to make. We hope you are all well and we will see you Sunday!
Crab Cake Dinner

Bishop Directs Maryland Churches Not To Gather In Church Buildings For 2 Weeks
From Bishop Easterling – March 12, 2020
“Following this afternoon’s press conference by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan in which he declared a state of emergency, Bishop Easterling is directing all United Methodist churches in the state of Maryland to not gather in their church buildings for two weeks; for conference camps and archives to close, and for the Mission Center building to close. Conference Center staff will work remotely.”
The Bishop also said, “United Methodists throughout the conference should be checking on their neighbors and offering pastoral care to those in need whom they encounter.”
Revival – May 5, 2019

Revival Schedule
Time | Name | Event |
11 am – noon | Pastor Dan | Worship with Holy Communion |
noon – 12:30 | Chuck Conjar | Praise Music |
12:40 – 1 :00 | Maryland Military Band | Brass Quintet |
1:10 – 1:30 | Rev. Walter Jackson | Evangelism |
1:40 – 200 | Bob Paff | Inspiration |
2:10 – 2:30 | Colleen Shaneybrook | Evangelism |
2:40 -3:00 | Pastor Dan Kutrick | Evangelism |
3:10 – 3:30 | Matt Sichel | Evangelism |
3:40 – 4:00 | Rev. Katie Grover | Evangelism |
4:10 – 4:30 | Pastor Kermit Moore | Evangelism |
4:40 – 5:00 | Chuck Conjar | Praise Music |
5:00 | Pastor Dan Kutrick | Benediction & Dismissal |
Cooperative Parish Contemporary Praise Service at Graceland July 29
Sunday, July 29 is the date of the next 5th Sunday Contemporary Praise Service at Graceland. This one is a combined service for the Cooperative Parish, so we welcome our extended church family from Dundalk United Methodist Church. The service begins at 11:00 a.m.

Vacation Bible School 2018
Vacation Bible School 2018 – Rolling River Rampage
Dates: July 16th– 20th, 2018
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Ages: classes available for 2 year olds through 6thgrade (completed 6th)
Shortened session, closing celebration and meal on Friday, July 20th
Daily Colors: Blue (Monday), Green (Tuesday), Orange (Wednesday),
Purple (Thursday), Yellow (Friday)
To pre-register or for information, call Sharon at 410-868-9834